Embracing the New Role of the Kitchen Designer

Then you will want to enroll in :

Before the social media explosion of online inspiration apps, the kitchen designer controlled both the function and the aesthetics of the space being designed.

Now, the homeowner often arrives at the first meeting with the door style, cabinet finish, countertop, backsplash and decorative hardware already chosen - along with images to back up their choices!

This course will address this phenomenon and show how to complement their focus while increasing your value tin their project.

A design for a Post-Covid Kitchen will be highlighted to illustrate a winning strategy for you. 

We will also discuss how you can differentiate yourself in the competitive market of kitchen design and produce social media-worthy images yourself. 

Presented as Part of Voices from of the Industry Conference at KBIS

KBB Magazine chose this course as one of the highlights of KBIS 2022 Voices of the Industry conference. "TAKE YOUR CAREER TO THE NEXT LEVEL" by attending one of these highlighted courses at the VFTI Conference at KBIS.

At the end of this course you will:

Learning Objectives

  • Know how to bring the aesthetic design of a project to the interiors of your cabinetry.

  • Acquire ideas and strategies to create and present better functioning designs.

  • Learn how to market your design and product offerings to ensure client referrals.

Free Preview

Click below for a sneak peak at one of the lessons in Embracing the New Role of the Kitchen Designer

Jan Rutgers B.Sc. H.Ec.

Meet Your Instructor

Jan Rutgers has been a professional kitchen designer for more than 25 years. She has designed over 1000 kitchens and is the perfect person to guide you on your kitchen design training journey. Jan is passionate about the kitchen design industry and encourages you to follow in her footsteps by becoming a top kitchen designer yourself. For more information on Jan, check out http://vestabul.com/about.

Jan Rutgers

President, Vestabul School of Design

Enroll Now

PILLAR COURSES are ideal for Kitchen Designers with some experience and will help you take your kitchen design business to the next level!


Course curriculum

  • 01

    Embracing the New Role of the Kitchen Designer

    • Introduction & Learning Objectives

    • Online Apps and the Consumer

    • Cabinet Interiors Exploration

    • The Value Add of Functional Design

    • Post-Covid Kitchen Concept

    • Post-Covid Kitchen Details

    • Flexible Workspaces

    • Aesthetic Design and Conclusion